BCCN Campus Climate News


We are here to climate-connect and support Berkeley faculty, staff and students. What do you need? Classes? Funding? Partners? Buzz the BCCN HELP BUTTON! 
UNSUBSCRIBE? HAVE NEWS TO SHARE? bruceriordan@berkeley.edu

BCCN Instagram: berkeleyclimate
BCCN Hotline: (510) 280-4660
1. Why We Do This Work: How the World Gave Up on 1.5˚
2. Tony Reames - The Arc of Energy Justice TODAY AT 4:10 PM 
3. A New Berkeley Climate Policy Group
4. NSF R212 Solicitation: Regional Resilience Innovation Incubators
5. Berkeley Climate Action Proof-of-Concept Program (BCAPP)
6. Congratulations Fan Dai (CA-China Climate Institute)
7. Community Engaged Research Gathering DEC 11
8. J-School: What Lies Ahead for Climate Justice in California
9. SCET’s Collider Cup XV DEC 13 1-5 pm
10. Two Berkeley Chemists Discover New Type of MOF
11. 12 Berkeley Scholars on the Election
1. Why We Do This Work: How the World Gave Up on 1.5˚
Grist: A decade after the Paris Agreement, Andreas Malm and Wim Carton trace how we've kept on with business as usual. Yikes.
2. Tony Reames - The Arc of Energy Justice TODAY AT 4:10 PM 
Berkeley Graduate Lectures presents Univ. of Michigan’s Tony Reames - The Arc of Energy Justice - A Pursuit to Ensure Affordable, Reliable, and Clean Energy for All. Sutardja Dai Hall 4:10 pm. Register here.
3. A New Berkeley Climate Policy Group
BCCN and the Possibility Lab have organized a new faculty/staff group to advance and accelerate Berkeley’s efforts on climate policy. Thirty-five people — from Goldman, Law, SPH, CED, Haas and more — took part in the initial meeting on November 18th. Contact bruceriordan@berkeley.edu or alerman@berkeley.edu for more.
4. NSF R212 Solicitation: Regional Resilience Innovation Incubators
Are you or someone you know at Berkeley putting a team together for this NSF Regional Resilience Innovation Incubators (R212) solicitation? LOIs are due DEC 16th. BCCN can link you with others if that would be helpful.
5. Berkeley Climate Action Proof-of-Concept Program (BCAPP)
Bakar Climate Labs and our Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office have announced a new program that will support faculty in translating their research into climate-focused solutions. Four to six $100K awards each year. Get all the info here.
6. Congratulations Fan Dai (CA-China Climate Institute)
Fan Dai, Director of the California-China Climate Institute (Berkeley Law) will be honored by the California CEC at their 2024 Clean Energy Hall of Fame ceremony DEC 5 (Thursday) 3 pm in Sacramento (and via Zoom). Register and zoom info here.
7. Community Engaged Research Gathering DEC 11
You are invited to the 2nd Community Engagement Research Network Convening on DEC 11, 4 pm - 6 pm at the Faculty Club. Building off last Fall’s initial gathering, we will highlight examples of boundary-spanning community engaged research and update on our work to strengthen the visibility, recognition, and conditions for partnered scholarship. RSVP here. 
8. J-School: What Lies Ahead for Climate Justice Work in California?
Check out this article and MUCH more in State of Change, the excellent newsletter from the Journalism School’s Climate Journalism Program
9. SCET’s Collider Cup XV DEC 13 1-5 pm
The Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology is holding Collider Cup XV on DEC 11, 1-5 pm in Banatao Auditorium. Watch top student teams pitch their projects to professors, investors, and industry experts for a chance to win the grand prize! RSVP here.
10. Two Berkeley Chemists Discover New Type of MOF
Co-first authors Rachel Rohde and Kurtis Carsch have just published a paper in Science reporting their discovery of a  new type of metal-organic-framework (MOF) that can capture carbon dioxide in very high temperature environments like cement and steel production. Breakthrough! See the Berkeley News report here.
11. 12 Berkeley Scholars on the Election
Berkeley News assembled an interesting and wide-ranging group of 12 Berkeley faculty to give their insights on America post-election. Economy? Sexism? Conspiracies?
BCCN Instagram: berkeleyclimate
BCCN Hotline: (510) 280-4660
FUNDED BY:RCNR, CIEE, VCRO, Law, CED, Haas, Goldman, SPH, Chemistry,
MPS, CDSS, Engineering, Education, Journalism, Social Sciences, Biological Sciences
Arts & Humanities, LBNL, and Bakar Climate Hub  THANK YOU!
