The Berkeley Climate Change Network works to accelerate Berkeley’s research, education and service to meet the urgency of the climate crisis. BCCN provides customized services for 5 groups—Faculty/Staff, Students, Off-campus Partners, Media and Funders/Investors. We provide a newsletter, podcasts, special events, and webinars for everyone. BCCN is funded by 17 campus Deans, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Berkeley Lab.
Bruce Riordan, Director
Phone/Text: (510) 306-0130
Instagram: berkeleyclimate
LinkedIn: Berkeley Climate Change Network
Advisory Council
Adrian Hill, Computing, Data Science and Society
Amy Chan, Haas School of Business
Andrew Campbell, Energy Institute @Haas
Bill Collins, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Carl Blumstein, CITRIS/CIEE
Clair Brown, Department of Economics
Danielle Rivera, College of Environmental Design
David Ackerly, Rausser College of Natural Resources
David Wooley, Center for Environmental Public Policy
Gail Brager, Center for Built Environment
Justin Remais, School of Public Health
Ken Alex, Project Climate
Jason Spingarn-Koff, Journalism School
Jeremy Alberga, Bakar Climate Labs
Kristina Hill, College of Environmental Design
Laurent De Janvry, Goldman School of Public Policy
Leslie Schibsted, UDAR
Louise Bedsworth, Center for Law, Energy and Environment
Mark Stacey, College of Engineering
Meghana Gadgil, School of Public Health & UCSF
Pamela Rich, People and Culture
Peter Nico, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Richard Diamond, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Sarah Greenberg, Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative
Sharon Daraphonhdeth, SERC
Steve Weissman, Goldman School of Public Policy
Tiff Dressen, Vice Chancellor for Research Office